Microsoft Teams FAQ and top tips

With our telephone group option, you are able to dial into the group session, will learn how to prevent Type 2 diabetes, have the opportunity to partake in group discussions and ask your coach questions, all from the comfort of your home. rnrn

What is Microsoft Teams?

Teams is a programme that allows us to talk to you and you to talk to us. There is a video option or audio only option so it’s your choice whether you want to be seen or not.

Is there any cost for attending the Teams session?

The Teams App is free from your App Store.  A internet connection is required –  check with your internet provider if any questions around data caps or charges etc.

How can I participate during the Teams session?

There are a number of ways to participate during a teams session.  These include;

  • ‘Hand Raise’ prompting the coach that you have a question
  • ‘Conversation’ – write any questions in here and the Health Coach will come back to them
  • Asking questions – remember to take your Mic off Mute – there will be lots of opportunities for questions during the session

What do I need for the session?

Be prepared by sitting in a comfortable spot with a drink on hand.  Paper and a pen is helpful for any notes you would like to make throughout. 

In addition you will have been given access to a downloadable Handbook – you can save this and use during your lifestyle change journey. 

Where is my Service ID?

This can be found at the top of your confirmation email for your session and is personal to you.

What will I see in this Teams Session?

Your Health Coach be sharing a number of informative slides. If you are joining using a Smart Phone, we recommend turning it Landscape so you can see the slides better.

 Your toolbar explained
Mute or unmute (if there is a line through it – you are on mute)
Camera on/off
(if there is a line through it – your camera is off)
 Speaker phone 
(this may not be available on all devices)
Hand Raise
If you have a question, you can raise your hand (this may not be available on all devices)
Add any questions you have in here. Use the ← to return to the group
Participant list
View other service users who are on the call with you
  Hang up and end the Teams session

Learn how to access Microsoft Teams on your device

Select the device you want to access teams on: