Welcome to the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

We are excited to welcome you to the Healthier You: Diabetes Prevention Programme, and this exclusive offer to attend your sessions remotely. This free 9-month programme provides tailored, personalised support to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

You’ll have the chance to learn about healthy eating, losing weight and exercising. In turn, this will help you to make positive lifestyle changes and reduce your blood sugar levels.

What are the benefits of a remote service?

  • All sessions are run remotely over Microsoft Teams, so you can attend from the comfort of your own home or a location of your choice
  • The sessions are led by qualified coaches who will help you understand and establish an effective strategy to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. ·You’ll learn about nutrition, physical activities and strategies for long-term progress.   
  • Our coaches are on hand to support you throughout your journey and help with any difficulties you may face.  
  • Sessions are fully supported with our bespoke Wellbeing Way app, online learning and our community Facebook group.  
  • Follows the same 4 stages as our in-person sessions
  • Our friendly team can support you in accessing the sessions through our Microsoft Teams guidance

Next Steps – book your sessions:  

You can view all the upcoming sessions in the table below, including start date and time.  

Once you’ve found a suitable group, use the form below to request to join. We’ll then email you with confirmation of your booking shortly afterwards.  

Please note: Spaces for each session are limited and are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. We recommend requesting your place in the group as soon as possible. 

Upcoming group session dates

Tip: If you’re viewing this on mobile, you can swipe left/right to view more columns

Request to book a session  

You can find the group ID for the session in the first column of the table.

You will have access to the Wellbeing Way app

Before your first group session, you will gain access to the Wellbeing Way app.

You will receive an email invite which will include all of the instructions on how to register.

The Wellbeing Way app will give you access to: tailored resources, interactive educational modules, quizzes, podcasts, webinars, exercise videos, recipes and an in-built health tracker, enabling you to set, monitor and achieve your goals.

Learn more about Wellbeing Way

More about the programme

The NHS Healthier You: Diabetes Prevention Programme is designed to help you take control of your health, supporting you to make changes to your diet, weight and the amount of physical activity you do. Taking action now is very important as it can stop you developing Type 2 Diabetes.

Click here to read more about the programme.

You can also contact us on  0333 577 3010 or email us at info@preventing-diabetes.co.uk